General Program Class
Thursdays, 7:00 - 8:00pm
with Joseph Giacona
Offered in-person (for everyone) and online (for local members only)
$10 per class, free for supporting members
Change Your Perception
Learning to Trust...Your Potential, the Path, and the Spiritual Guide
When we take a journey, we need a map or a guide, or both. The same is true with a spiritual journey. We have the map… the teachings and the meditations. And we have the guide, the spiritual guide. If we trust the teachings and the teacher for our journey, then we have faith. If we have no faith, we will fall short in our journey.
In this series, we will explore together the final meditation of the fifteen meditations that make up our Stages of the Path to Enlightenment, the meditation on improving our reliance on the Spiritual Guide. Within Buddhist meditation, faith is not an irrational leap, but rather something that we develop gradually fully. It is a mind of trust that arises in dependence upon our own thorough investigation of the validity of Buddha’s teachings through analysis and meditation. In other words, our experience of the teachings will enable us to more fully trust the teachings. This in turn will lead us to take them more deeply to heart.
February 20: Faith, Blessings and the Benefits of Relying Upon a Spiritual Guide
February 27: Real Faith Needs Both Reason and Doubt
March 6: The Actual Meditation on Training in Trust
March 13: The Kindness of the Spiritual Guide
March 20: Faith and Wisdom in Daily Life

Our General Program classes include Dharma teachings along with guided meditations
These classes are suitable for both beginners and more advanced meditation practitioners
General meditation classes are given as a series, but can also be taken individually
No special clothing is required
For those attending in person, chairs and cushions are supplied
Everyone welcome!