General Program Class Followed by Coffee, Tea and Chat
Sundays, 11:00am - 12:30pm + Q&A
with Joseph Giacona
In-person only
$15 per class, free for supporting members
Freedom at the Heart
The Liberating Journey into the Heart of Reality
According to Buddha, we all have within our minds the potential to experience limitless joy, love and freedom from unhappiness. This may sound too good to be true and very different from how we normally perceive ourselves. However, our ordinary limited view of our self, the one that we base all our thoughts and actions upon, is not correct. Buddha clearly demonstrates how the painful self we normally relate to is not our truth, and through an amazing meditation, known as meditation on emptiness, he shows us how to let go of that limited version of our self and our world, and open ourselves up to whole new and wonderful way of being.
In this series of talks and guided meditations Joseph will take us on an extraordinary journey into the true nature of our self and all things. Based on the amazing chapter, Ultimate Bodhichitta in Geshe Kelsang Gyatso’s book How to Transform Your Life (download your free copy here), we will take a deep dive into the meditation on emptiness. During these distressing times, discovering the purity and freedom that lies at the heart of our reality is exactly the medicine we need right now.
In this first series Joseph will introduce the liberating concept of emptiness and teach the meditation on the emptiness of the body. During the month of November we will be focusing primarily on the profound and sublime meditations on the emptiness of the mind.

Our General Program classes include Dharma teachings along with guided meditations
These classes are suitable for both beginners and more advanced meditation practitioners
General meditation classes are given as a series, but can also be taken individually
No special clothing is required
Everyone welcome!