General Program Class
Wednesdays, 7:00 - 8:00pm
with Joseph Giacona
Offered online (for local members only) and in-person (for everyone)
$10 per class, free for supporting members
The Liberating Wisdom of Emptiness
The next meditation in this series is the one that all the previous meditations in our ongoing Wednesday series on the Stages of the Path have been leading up to: the meditation on emptiness.
According to Buddha, the root cause of our suffering is our ignorance of, and subsequent misapprehension of, how things actually exist. We perceive phenomena as existing entirely independently of the mind, and it is this mistaken apprehension that gives rise to all attachments and aversions that generate our unhappiness.
In reality things are empty of being independent of the mind. It is through understanding this emptiness that we begin to undermine all the unhappiness in our minds and lives. Gradually, through gaining deep experience of emptiness in meditation, we can actually purify our minds completely and eventually eradicate even the root cause of our suffering.
What could be more exciting than coming to understand the true nature of all things? And then to discover that this insight will actually remove all our unhappiness and make our lives inexpressibly joyful, creative and meaningful?
November 27: NO CLASS
December 4: How Understanding Emptiness Leads to Freedom
December 11: Understanding the Emptiness of the Body
December 18: Meditation on Emptiness
December 25: NO CLASS
January 1: NO CLASS
January 4:The Wisdom Way of Relating to Your Body
January 8: The Emptiness of the Self
January 15: Freedom from Self-sabotage
January 22: Freedom from Self-sabotage Part 2
January 29: A New Way of Being
February 5: Change your Mind, Change your World
February 12: Gaining Deep Experience of Emptiness

Our General Program classes include Dharma teachings along with guided meditations
These classes are suitable for both beginners and more advanced meditation practitioners
General meditation classes are given as a series, but can also be taken individually
No special clothing is required
For those attending in person, chairs and cushions are supplied
Everyone welcome!