Please Note: this class is now one hour (formally 1.5 hours)

General Program Class

Wednesdays, 7:00 - 8:00pm

with Joseph Giacona

Offered online (for local members only) and in-person (for everyone)

New Series: The Power of Compassion to Actualize our Human Potential

In this series, we will explore the profoundly empowering meditation on universal compassion. This is the perfect meditation with which to begin the new year. According to Buddha, compassion is our actual Buddha nature. Meditating on compassion enables us to recognize our extraordinary potential to not only experience lasting happiness and freedom ourselves, but to be of great benefit to others. And the more familiar we become with this beautiful heartfelt mind, the more empowered we are to make great spiritual progress. Some people are concerned that meditating on compassion might be depressing but actually the opposite is true. This meditation naturally gives us great joy, energy and purpose for our lives.

August 21: Compassion and our Human Potential
August 28: Is Universal Compassion Possible?
September 4: The Actual Meditation on Compassion
September 11: How Compassion Empowers Your Life

Joseph Giacona
Joseph Giacona


Our General Program classes include Dharma teachings along with guided meditations
These classes are suitable for both beginners and more advanced meditation practitioners
General meditation classes are given as a series, but can also be taken individually
No special clothing is required
For those attending in person, chairs and cushions are supplied
Everyone welcome!