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Wednesday General Program: The Liberating Wisdom of Emptiness

Kadampa Meditation Center Williamsburg 119 North 11th Street, Williamsburg, NY, United States

What could be more exciting than coming to understand the true nature of all things? And then to discover that this insight will actually remove all our unhappiness and make our lives inexpressibly joyful, creative and meaningful?

Freedom from Anxiety

Kadampa Meditation Center Williamsburg 119 North 11th Street, Williamsburg, NY, United States

So many of us these days suffer due to anxiety, fear and sometimes even panic. In the face of so much daily bad news, and all our own personal uncertainties, is it actually possible to let go of these painful emotions and states of mind? According to Buddha, yes it is!

Sunday General Program – Freedom at the Heart

Kadampa Meditation Center Williamsburg 119 North 11th Street, Williamsburg, NY, United States

According to Buddha, we all have within our minds the potential to experience limitless joy, love and freedom from unhappiness. This may sound too good to be true and very…