Dear Sangha,
In early 2020, when Covid-19 started to spread throughout the world, we were granted temporary permission by the Education Council of the New Kadampa Tradition (NKT) to stream all of our classes online. Now that the world is returning to more normalcy, our temporary permission to livestream classes is coming to a close.
Beginning September 1, our General Program classes and Saturday Courses/Retreats will no longer be offered via livestream. Anyone wishing to continue to enjoy these classes specifically will need to attend them in person at our Center in Williamsburg.
One of the main reasons for this discontinuation is to encourage in person attendance again. Experiencing Dharma in direct participation with other practitioners (Sangha) is one of the principal causes of making real inner progress. There is really no better way to connect to Buddha's teachings than to be surrounded by other practitioners who have the same goal of personal growth and transformation in mind. If you have not attended our Center in person before, we encourage you to do so.
A Foundation Program in Williamsburg will launch soon, and provides students looking to study Buddha's teachings systematically a wonderful opportunity. If you would like more information regarding this click here.
Below is an outline of how each of our classes is impacted by the new livestreaming guidelines:
Sunday 11:00am General Program class
Beginning September 4, this class will be offered in person only (it will no longer be available via livestream). The Monday 11:00am replay of this class will be discontinued.
Please note: Coffee, Tea & Chat will continue to be offered after Sunday morning GP.
Monday 7:00pm General Program class
Beginning September 5, this class will be in person only (it will no longer be available via livestream) The Tuesday 11:00am replay of this class will be discontinued.
Wednesday 7:00pm General Program class
Beginning September 7, this class will be offered in person only (it will no longer be available via livestream). The Friday 11:00am replay of this class will be discontinued.
Thursday 7:00pm General Program class
Beginning September 1, this class will be offered in person only (it will no longer be available via livestream).
Saturday Courses and Retreats
Beginning September 10, Saturday Courses and Retreats will be offered in person only (no longer via livestream).
This means our annual Country Retreat which will take place from September 2-5 will be available in person and via livestream with replays also offered. Learn more and register at:
Thank you for reading this long and detailed explanation of all of the changes to our schedule. This is an exciting time at KMC Williamsburg and we look forward to flourishing our Center once again.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out and ask!
With our best wishes,
Your Sangha at KMC Williamsburg