The Annual Northeast Dharma Celebration

Wisdom, Compassion & Spiritual Power - Je Tsongkhapa Empowerment with Teachings on the Migtsema Prayer

April 26 - 28

See booking page for pricing details

What are the essential qualities of an enlightened being’s mind? Wisdom, compassion and spiritual power.

Do we have the potential to develop these wonderful and beneficial qualities within our own minds? Yes, most definitely.

The key practice that Kadampa Buddhist practitioners have been using for centuries to accomplish these is reliance upon the Wisdom Buddha Je Tsongkhapa and the recitation of his legendary mantra, known as the Migtsema Prayer.

During the upcoming NEDC, Kadam Morten will grant the empowerment of Je Tsongkhapa, during which we will receive a transmission of the Migtsema Prayer. In the subsequent commentary Kadam Morten will explain the extraordinary and blessed qualities of this mantra. The Migtsema prayer, which is recited daily at all our Kadampa Buddhist Centers worldwide, lies at the very heart of the Kadampa Buddhist tradition, and expresses the very essence of enlightenment. Deepening our relationship with it will powerfully enhance our spiritual life, and provide us with a continuous source of inspiration and guidance throughout our life.


To learn more and sign up to SHARE A CAR for this upstate event visit this link:


To learn more and sign up for the SAME DAY SHUTTLE BUS visit this link:

Kadam Morten
Kadam Morten


It is recommended to attend this event in its entirety
Suitable for both beginners and more advanced meditation practitioners
No special clothing is required
Everyone welcome!



Kadampa World Peace Temple, New York