Limitless Mind
Exploring Our Vast Potential for Growth, Change, and Healing
Saturday, February 22, 11:00am - 1:30pm
with David Nuss
11:00am - 12:15pm, 12:30 - 1:30pm + Q&A
$12 per session, $20 for the full retreat, free for supporting members
We often pour our energy into shaping our external world—chasing the ideal apartment, job, or partner—believing these will bring us happiness. Yet, the Buddha taught that true and lasting happiness arises not from external circumstances but from transforming our mind to become more peaceful.
When we cultivate a peaceful mind, we unlock the ability to be more flexible, compassionate, loving, and deeply happy. To achieve this, we must first understand the nature of our mind—its vast potential for growth, change, and healing.
In this course, David will guide us through a profound meditation to explore the very nature of consciousness. Together, we will experience its clarity, boundlessness, and limitless potential, opening the door to a deeper realization of who we truly are.
As the Buddha said:
“If you realize your own mind, you will become a Buddha; you should not seek Buddhahood elsewhere.”
It is recommended to attend this event in its entirety
Suitable for both beginners and more advanced meditation practitioners
No special clothing is required
Everyone welcome!