How to Really Enjoy
What Buddhist Meditation Can Teach Us about Delighting in the Moment
Saturday, March 1, 11:00am - 1:30pm
with Tom Lauricella
11:00am - 12:15pm, 12:30 - 1:30pm + Q&A
$25 for the full course, $15 per session free for supporting members
There is sometimes the notion out there that being a Buddhist means giving up on enjoying the pleasures of life. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, it’s the complete opposite. We can learn to enjoy life more, and do so in a lasting and authentic way.
In this half-day course, Tom will explore Buddha’s teachings which show us how to truly enjoy any part of our life. Whether it is as ordinary as a cup of coffee or a sunset, as up and down as a job, or as complicated as a relationship, it all starts with understanding where happiness and enjoyment really come from. We’ll also examine how we often confuse enjoyment for what is known in Buddhism as attachment, a deceptive state of mind that inevitably leads us to unhappiness.
With these understandings we can learn how to cultivate joy as part of our meditation practice and in daily life. In both sessions Tom will guide meditations that allow us to experience firsthand how best to enjoy.
It is recommended to attend this event in its entirety
Suitable for both beginners and more advanced meditation practitioners
No special clothing is required
Everyone welcome!