This event occurs in the past. See below for our upcoming courses, retreats and special events.

Meditating from the Heart

Creating a richer practice - and daily life.

When we talk about meditation, we often – quite rightly – are focused on our mind. But there’s another aspect that we can bring to our meditation: our heart.

When we meditate from our heart, the result can be a deeper, even more peaceful experience that we can carry from our cushion into our day. When we meditate from our heart, feelings of compassion, love and understanding are always within reach.

In this half-day course, Cesar will help us explore how to meditate from our heart and see for ourselves how we can have a richer, more rewarding experience in our practice and our daily lives.

Join Us for Coffee, Tea and Chat

Relax & enjoy after Saturday class surrounded by a community with similar spiritual questions & goals.



Upcoming Courses, Retreats and Special Events


US National Festival 2024

Fearless Heart
September 20-25
IKRC Grand Canyon


International Kadampa Fall Festival 2024

The Gateway to Highest Yoga Tantra
October 25 – November 1
with Gen-la Dekyong


Empowerment of Thousand-Armed Avalokiteshvara

December 7-8
with Kadam Morten
Everbody welcome!