This event occurs in the past. See below for our upcoming courses, retreats and special events.

Shine Your Love

How the Meditation on Love Improves All Our Relationships

Love is the key to a happy and meaningful life. The more we are able to love others purely, the happier we will be, and the more all of our relationships will be fulfilling. Unfortunately, all too often in our relationships we also experience pain and conflict. But that pain isn’t coming from our love, but rather from our attachment, which leads to false expectations and an inability to see the other person’s point of view.

In fact, authentic love can never cause pain. It only ever produces happiness. Why? Because true love actually arises from a profound understanding of our interdependence and interconnection with everyone.

During this course, Deanna will help us learn to distinguish clearly between love and attachment, and guide us in the meditation known as developing cherishing love.


Upcoming Courses, Retreats and Special Events


Seize the Day

Saturday, March 15
11:00am – 1:30pm + Q&A
with Edwin Tubb


The Fundamentals of Buddhist Meditation

Saturday, April 5
11:00am -1:30pm + Q&A
with Tom Lauricella


The Annual Northeast Dharma Celebration

April 25-27
Temple for World Peace, Glen Spey
with Kadam Morten

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International Kadampa Spring Festival 2025

Empowerment and Commentary to the Practice of Buddha Maitreya
May 23-28
with Gen-la Kelsang Jampa

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International Kadampa Summer Festival 2025

Green Tara Empowerment & Teachings
July 25-August 9
with Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong and Gen-la Kelsang Jampa


A Life Beyond Fear

Thursday, September 11
7:00 – 8:30pm at the Town Hall
with Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong

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International Kadampa Fall Festival 2025

Dorje Shugden Empowerment & Teachings
October 3-9
with Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong